Weather and Tides Forecasts

Swell & Wind sites
Check out Swellmap here. Metvue is also a really good weather site - here's the 12 hour NZ rain and wind forcast. Another site worth a look is Marine Weather here.
The metservice provide the current map here. Metservice also provide the same map as a series so you can get an idea of how the next few days will shape up [more]. This link provides options for marine forecasts for your area [more] - use the coastal marine link for a general forecast and the recreational Marine link for more local areas such as the Hauraki Gulf, Wellington, and Christchurch.
The best tide site we've come across is here.
TVNZ has an excellent weather summary here. The latest satellite images are updated regularly. The site also has the current analysis, and regional radar images.
Here's a very comprehensive weather site with charts generated by software written and maintained by James McGregor of Victoria University of Wellington. is another site that provides a swell forecast - for NZ click here - Now a pay per view site but they do have a free trial option. Swellmap is similar, reliable and free [more].
For live web-cams, check out the NIWA cams here. NIWA provide a network of computer-controlled video cameras that monitor the New Zealand environment for research and resource management - great to give you an idea of what's happening in real-time at a number of locations.
Other good links we've come across:
Cyclone Warnings
South Pacific Swell Forecast
Weather prediction

Some of these sites recomended contain numerical weather prediction products and may not always reflect official forecasts, especially in the vicinity of weather fronts, tropical cyclones or when significant late-breaking observations have become available to forecasters. These products therefore are intended to be used as guidance only. They have no manual input and are automatically generated from the numerical models. Be safe on the water - if you're unsure about the weather - Don't go!
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